Our team in the Laboratory for Communication consists of the laboratory management, the laboratory staff, student laboratory assistants, doctoral students and the currently supervised practical phase teams. We are happy to support you in your teaching project with innovative technologies!

Your first point of contact is Niklas Bäcker. As our laboratory employee and information electronics technician specializing in digitalization, he is responsible for the following tasks: He supports you in the planning and implementation of teaching and learning content for courses and projects, as well as in the use of robots and VR or AR technologies.

Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem 

Professor of Communication and Media

E-mail: buchem[at]bht-berlin.de


Niklas Bäcker (B.Eng.)
Information electronics technician specializing in digitalization


Office: House Gauß, Room B241
E-mail: nbaecker[at]bht-berlin.de
Phone: 030 4504-5265
Appointments by arrangement.