The Laboratory for Communication comprises the following six rooms in Gauss House:

  • Office: B 252
  • Seminar rooms: B 542 L, B 025, B 027, B 032, B 041.

Design Thinking Line® - System 180

Room B 542 L is equipped with Design Thinking Line® - System 180. The furniture from the Design Thinking Line® was developed at the School of Design Thinking at the Hasso Plattner Institute of the University of Potsdam (HPI D-School) specifically to support creative teamwork, e.g. brainstorming, prototyping, agile collaboration, maker spaces, discussions, share spaces and presentations. All elements are light and stable, stand on castors and can be individually configured and used. This means that flexible settings for various teaching scenarios can be created in room B 542 L. 

Moderation aids for collaborative and agile teamwork

In room B 542 L, teachers have access to versatile moderation aids for collaborative and agile teamwork. These include four protoboxes, i.e. prototyping and moderation cases (one case is suitable for 2 teams or / up to 12 people) and two PATboards, i.e. materials for designing physical boards for agile Scrum and Kanban, including a set for Scrum Kanban Board (nanocups for glass surfaces) and a Scrum Kanban Board (magnetic for whiteboards). These materials can be used by teachers to support collaboration and communication in student teams, enable rapid prototyping and create a positive learning experience.

Lego bricks as a problem-solving, communication and creative method

The Laboratory for Communication has various sets of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP), including LEGO Window Exploration Bags and LEGO Serious Play Starter Kits for 30 people. LSP can be used in areas such as economics, e.g. to visualise ideas, processes and solutions. When working with LEGO® Serious Play®, participants benefit from the fact that everyone has different perspectives on a topic, a challenge and also a solution. This is precisely where the potential of LEGO® Serious Play® lies: visualising and incorporating the different perspectives. LEGO® Serious Play® offers a safe space for exploration and discussion. Teachers can use LEGO® Serious Play® to activate and involve students‘ knowledge, to achieve a common understanding of the topics covered and to encourage students’ creativity.


For more information click here.


Digital board: Active Panel & Samsung Flip 2

All rooms in the Communication Laboratory are equipped with stationary Promethean ‘Titanium’ Active Panels with an 86-inch touch display (ActivPanel® Titanium™ Interactive Display | Promethean). In addition, four Samsung Flip 2 with a 55-inch touch display are available for teachers for mobile use. (Samsung Flip - 55 inch | LH55WMRWBGCXEN | Samsung Business DE)

Details of the laboratory equipment

Design Thinking furniture:

  • 5 Designing Thinking group tables for 5 people each
  • 1 Designing Thinking table for lecturers
  • 1 Designing Thinking ToolRack with moderation material
  • 27 Designing Thinking stools
  • 5 Whiteboards

Moderation and prototyping materials:

  • 4 protoboxes for rapid prototyping in teams
  • 2 PATboards for agile working according to Scrum and/or Kanban:
    • a set for Scrum Kanban Board (nanocups for glass surfaces), and
    • a Scrum Kanban Board (magnetic for whiteboards)
  • LEGO® Serious Play® Sets:
    • LEGO Window Exploration Bags
    • LEGO Serious Play Starter Kits 

Digital media:

  • Digital whiteboard (Promethean) incl. VGA and DVI/ HDMI connection cable for laptop
  • 9 m projection screen incl. audio system and webcam for video conferences  
  • Media cabinet with audio system
  • Click Share System for integrating participants into the presentation


Use of the laboratory room B542:

Courses with a high proportion of communication and cooperation, courses in which presentation techniques are practised and courses that focus on collaboration, e.g. design thinking, agile working, as well as discussions and moderation in smaller or larger groups/teams.

Laboratory room B542 as an ‘Interactive Room’:

  • The interactive wall is made up of 3 double screen ultra short distance projectors and a powerful audio system. 10 metres of the interactive wall can be continuously marked with board markers. 
  • Utilise the increased number of projection surfaces together with the digital whiteboard: Several external people can be brought into the room as co-presenters. The image of the participants shown to the external speaker can also be shown to the participants.
  • Seven interactive pens with bluetooth adapter and Wallrite digital paper set. Up to seven people can use the pen together or separately as a mouse alternative directly on the whiteboards.
  • Interactive Wall Software Suite: The wall can be used as a complete surface across monitors and thus enables conceptual work.

Further rooms

Furthermore, rooms B 545, B 027, B 032 and B 041 are each equipped with an 86’ digital whiteboard. There are also flipcharts, presentation materials and metaplan boards.

Tables and chairs are movable so that they can be rearranged for small groups.