In which module and with which objective did you use LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP)?
- General Business Administration module (ABWL) with reference to the subject area of human resources (team building, leadership, initiating group processes)
- Industrial Engineering/Mechanical Engineering degree programme (B.Eng.)
What was the procedure? How many participants were there?
- Four students took part
- Warm-up with building a tower (technical skills - introduction to metaphorical work - storytelling)
- The students reflect on their studies and the future after graduation
- The first question was: How do you see yourself in the degree programme? Students use the Exploration Bags from Lego Serious Play to visualise the answer
- The second question was: How do you see yourself in the future after graduation? Students use the Exploration Bags from Lego Serious Play to visualise the answer
What were the results? What did the participants say about the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) method?
- In my opinion, it was very interesting to see how well the group got into dialogue with each other with the help of Lego Serious Play. The students' reflections on their studies and their future after graduation were also exciting for me as head of the degree programme. The participants found the method very interesting.
Why would I recommend LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) to other teachers?
- In my view, LSP promotes creativity. Students don't just sit, they have something in their hands. Keeping your hands busy while doing a mental task promotes creativity. LSP also promotes communication with the students. The communication was very open.