"LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an innovative problem-solving, communication and creative method. It is based on the fundamental idea that any thought, experience or project can be visualised in the form of three-dimensional Lego models. ‘Serious Play’ means that specific topics and problems, for example from business practice, can be worked on in a moderated process. Although this takes place in a playful context (‘play’), the method ensures in-depth communication and goal-orientated topic processing (‘serious’)."

Source: Wirtschaftslexikon Gabler

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® in the laboratory for communication

The Communication Laboratory has various types of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP), including LEGO Window Exploration Bags and LEGO Serious Play Starter Kits for 30 people, which can be used as a problem-solving, communication and creative method in lessons, workshops and similar.

Possible areas of application are:

  • Brainstorming and visualisation of ideas 
  • Development of a picture of the future or a vision
  • Team development and team building
  • Organisational development
  • Strategy development
  • Visualisation in (agile) project management
  • Prototyping in innovation management, design thinking or design sprints
  • Processing of future-orientated
  • Change management
  • Conflict management
  • Personnel development and coaching

When working with LEGO® Serious Play®, participants benefit from the fact that everyone has different perspectives on a topic, a challenge and also a solution. This is precisely where the potential of LEGO® Serious Play® lies: making the different perspectives visible and including them. LEGO® Serious Play® offers a safe space for exploration and discussion. Teachers can use LEGO® Serious Play® to activate and involve students‘ knowledge, to achieve a common understanding of the topics covered and to encourage students’ creativity.

Several LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Exploration Bags are available to teachers in the communication laboratory. An ‘Exploration Bag’ is designed for one person and contains:

  • a small selection of standard stones in many different colours and shapes
  • a small selection of special elements, e.g. minifigure parts

The following visual checklist visualises all 56 elements in a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Exploration Bag.

Our trainer Anna Donato suggests the following process:

1. The facilitator asks a question, e.g. ‘What does ... mean to you?’ ; 'What insight do you draw from ...?'

2. All participants build their model as an answer.

(Important: No one watches or observes - everyone is involved and builds).

3. Everyone shares the meaning and history of their own model. All listeners are invited to ask questions - both for their own better understanding and to encourage the builder to reflect.

4. All participants reflect on the cognitive process, e.g. What similarities and differences are there in the group? What uncertainties should be resolved before the next step? What insights do I personally draw from the model I have built? Where do I now understand something/someone better than before?

Michael Fearne (2020). The LSP Method: How to Engage People and Spark Insights Using the LEGO® Serious Play® Method. Lioncrest Publishing, ISBN: 9781544516813

Sean Blair & Marko Rillo (2019). Serious Work. Meetings und Workshops mit der Lego® Serious Play® Methode moderieren, Vahlen, Franz, ISBN 978-3-8006-5957-9

Per Kristiansen (2014). Building a Better Business Using the LEGO Serious Play Method. Wiley, ISBN: 9781118832455.