The Furhat robot, developed by a Swedish start-up, represents a new generation of social robots designed to interact with humans. With a human-like facial expression and the ability to utilise speech and non-verbal cues, Furhat aims to enable natural and engaging communication with users. The flexible platform allows developers to implement different personalities, languages and voices, so Furhat can be used in a variety of use cases, from education to customer care to research.
Thanks to its advanced speech recognition and processing technology, Furhat can conduct complex dialogues, respond to emotions and provide personalised experiences. This innovative approach makes Furhat a promising tool for the future of human-robot interaction.

Using Furhat in teaching

Furhat can be used for various teaching tasks. The robot is designed to interact with individuals, but can also speak to a large group without referring to individual people.
The Furhat can therefore be used well as a moderator or interaction partner.
Scenarios for moderating exercises or interacting with individuals or small groups (max. 3 people) are conceivable.
One example of this is a job interview with Furhat as the interviewer. Small groups could also pitch a business idea to Furhat or practise the defence of their thesis with the robot.
See further: Examples with Furhat